(22.03.2014) During our universal VENUS DE STILO MELODY TOUR promoting new record, it's time for visiting the venue where there always be hot audience waitin' for us!!! Legendary Skład Butelek club will open the doors for STILO, to be fullfilled by thrilling sounds of "Venus de Stilo" record and more. You are welcome! On violin - Sylwia (from Warsaw Village Band, too!). →
New hopes and Mikrotour’ recollections
(1.01.2013) Dear Music Lovers! So another change of date done. And another hopes for new, better world - or for good and wise life at least - raised. Right! Because even if some of our dreams will not be realised, we’ll achieve another ones. But there’s one condition – we have to give it a chance. For a good start of the year →
99-101 Mikrotour
(9.11.2012) We have planned only studio works for this Autumn, but it turned out that we’ll play three November’ gigs. Two of them in cities where we have never been before – Elbląg and Olsztyn (third in Warsaw). In Olsztyn there will be 100th concert in STILO’ history! That’s why we call it 99-101 Mikrotour. More info in Live section. .