Details of CBA concert

It is time to share some details about the night of 24th of June.

On this day, in Centralny Basen Artystyczny the three representatives of Polish ethno and blues scene will perform – STILO, KAROLINA CICHA and MAGDA PISKORCZYK.

It is going to be quite an event on the Polish independent music scene!.

Karolina Cicha (solo project of One-Person-Orchestra) – the rising star of the Polish alternative-folk-rock scene, a multi-instrumentalist, very charismatic vocalist, in the past one of the main actress of the world famous off-theater Gardzienice (title roles in “Elektra” and “Ifigenia w A…”). She won the Main Prize at the The Student Song Festival in Cracow (2006), Ist prize at the international Chanson Festival in Koln (2007), IInd prize at the Review of Stage Songs in Wroclaw (2006). She was one of the collaborators in a well-known music project “Gajcy” (made by the Warsaw Uprising Museum).

Magda Piskorczyk – the black voice in a white costume, deemed the first lady of Polish blues, looking for her way in black music, too. Nominated for the main Polish music award Fryderyk, for the album “Magda Live” (2009). Twice semifinalist of the most important blues competition: International Blues Challenge in Memphis, USA. She has worked with famous jazz and blues musicians: Michał Urbaniak, Wojciech Karolak, Jerzy Styczyński, Bob Margolin, Bob Brozman, Greg Szłapczyński, Slidin’ Slim, Billy Gibson. Ola Siemieniuk, a guitar player and Stilo-member Adam Rozenman play in her band.

Start: 21.00 (Warsaw, Konopnickiej 6 street).
Tickets: 20 PLN before the gig/15 PLN on advance sale 


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