
It was several fine days on ethno fest New Tradition in Warsaw, on Havry Records’ stand! Thanx for being there, talkin’ with us and takin’ our music to your homes.

The winner of the event was Karolina Cicha with her band, the same artist who collaborated with us on our last album “Venus de Stilo”.

Karolina Cicha, Bart Pałyga and dancer
walking off the stage (fot: Ewa Hawryluk-Stasiak).

From left: Wojtek Stasiak (Stilo), Agnieszka Matecka (“Gadki z Chatki”),
Witt Wilczyński alias Ziutek (journalist, “Folk 24”, “Gniazdo”)
(fot: Ewa Hawryluk-Stasiak).

See ya next year!! (fot. Ewa Hawryluk-Stasiak)


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