

Back on stage! 28th of February we will play in Warsaw, during international festival of music!
Free entrance, Friday evening, center of the city, so reserve the date and bring your family and neighbours to the concert.
And what about 7 – 3 in the title? Look below, please. We are glad and gratefull!!!



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2 Responses Subscribe to comments

  1. Aleksandros

    I’m not a superfun of any spicfeic music genre or band. If I hear somewhere a sound which please me, I find out what is the source and start listening it:)Nino’s music is wonderful and unusual, and before I fed up with it, I’m enjoying it. AlsoI like Keiko Matsui.

    Sep 13, 2014 @ %I:%M %p

  2. admin

    Hey Aleksandros. I’ve just read your Septembers’ note on STILO’ blog and I would like to ask you what Nino’s music you had on your mind?
    Best Regards

    Dec 29, 2014 @ %I:%M %p
