
It was not STILO

(5 .08.2017) Dear People We have to officially announce that we were not playin' in Podkowa Leśna 4.06.2017. It was not STILO. All the best! .


(1 marca 2017) Po niezwykle udanym koncercie w warszawskim OKO, pierwszym z cyklu 20-lecia STILO, jedziemy do Kielc! W tamtejszym Domu Środowisk Twórczych pojawimy się już w najbliższą niedzielę, aby zagrać ponadgodzinny koncert pełen muzyki ze snu i jawy :-) Wystąpimy w składzie: Zuza Kuczbajska – skrzypce Wojtek Stasiak – gitara Tomasz Żur – gitara basowa Adam Rozenman – perkusjonalia Janusz Kossakowski – perkusja, perkusjonalia - czyli tym samym, →


(8.10.2015) We've told you and here it is! After very long break (more than a year) we'll be playin' for you live again, in Warsaw, at PraCoVnia club. We had played there twice, so it's gonna be multireturn by Stilo :-) Start: 20.30 and remember - due to local authority entrance is free! (fot. Zuza Kuczbajska) .


(17.09.2014) It's always nice to see something about our music in media. This time we've found for you review of our last gig, in Piaseczno, printed in local  "Kurier Południowy" weekly. You can find it, looking for through the flipbook on: http://issuu.com/kurierpoludniowy/docs/piaseczno543 page 15. (fot. Paweł Górski) .


(23.08.2014) So the next concert is the part of our history now! Piaseczno near Warsaw, "Jazz on the market square" course, nice place, in the time of the rising sun. Magic moments that our music feel comfortable in. Thanx for devotin' few dozen minutes from your lives, people... (fot. Paweł Górski) .


(22.03.2014) During our universal VENUS DE STILO MELODY TOUR promoting new record, it's time for visiting the venue where there always be hot audience waitin' for us!!! Legendary Skład Butelek club will open the doors for STILO, to be fullfilled by thrilling sounds of "Venus de Stilo" record and more. You are welcome! On violin - Sylwia (from Warsaw Village Band, too!). →


(27.02.2014) Hey Folks! Back on stage! 28th of February, STILO in Warsaw, during international festival of music Chopin' Birthday Concerts! Free entrance. Lot of great music! The evening starts at 18.00 - film about Chopin. We'll play at 21.30... And here you got the logo of the fest. Gift of music, for you! Full program here... .


(10.02.2014) Back on stage! 28th of February we will play in Warsaw, during international festival of music! Free entrance, Friday evening, center of the city, so reserve the date and bring your family and neighbours to the concert. :-) And what about 7 - 3 in the title? Look below, please. We are glad and gratefull!!! :-) . .


(11.12.13) In Lodz we’ve finished the first part of new album’ promo gigs. It was like this: Fot & ©: Ewa Hawryluk-Stasiak Big thanx to all visitors in Zapiecek club, specially those of you, who has presented us with some after-concert reflections. Nice to hear that somebody liked our show so much that would come to our gig in Warsaw next time, →


(30.11.2013) After long eight years we'll be back in Lodz today, in Zapiecek club (Piotrkowska 43 street). That's great! Between 2001-2005 we were playing there quite regular. Our first gig in Zapiecek (August 2001) was in fact our first non-Warsaw individual concert ever! That time we made first band recording session during the show, too. So it is important club for us. Our →


(18.11.2013) We would like to thank  all of you who had visited our concert at Warsaw’ OKO! They say it was fine :-) . Now we are preparing to trip to Lodz – to present our Venus de Stilo Melody Tour at Zapiecek club on Saturday 30.11. It was very long time ago since we were playing there last time! How new generation of →


(8.11.2013) Do you know that if you arrive to our Saturday' gig in Ośrodek Kultury Ochoty OKO in Warsaw (Grójecka 75 street) with a child/children no older than 12, you won't have to pay for their ticket? It'll be free entrance for he/she/them. Last time, at CPK, there was probably the youngest STILO' fan in the audience. Look at the pic →

VDS Melody Tour moved on and goes to OKO!

(3.11.2013) So Venus de Stilo Melody Tour is open! The concert at Centrum Kultury Praga Południe behind us. Thanx for your attendance! According to amazing photos by Robert Wierzbicki it looked like this: And you know what? The next occasion to see us on the stage will be very, very soon – on Saturday 9.11.2013! We gonna play at Ośrodek Kultury Ochoty →


(23.10.2013) Unfortunatelly, our „Deszcz”/”The Rain” has slightly gone down, but it is still in top ten of Bemowo.FM. Here is the full list: 1. Ministry- “PermaWar” 2. Exlibris – “Left Behind” 3. Orphaned Land – “Brother” 4. Pearl Jam – „Pendulum” 5. Tides From Nebula – „Now Run” 6. Bremenn – “My Veil” 7. Jelonek – „Old Sorrow” 8. Hunter – „O Wolności” 9. Leash Eye – “Been Too Long” 10. Stilo →


(11.06.2013) On Friday 14th of June we will be back in Tygmont club (Warsaw, Mazowiecka 6/8 street) to play one more time Promo gig of the newest album "Venus de Stilo" - this time in full STILO line-up, with violinist Sylwia Świątkowska (member of Warsaw Village Band). Start: 19.30 (gates open from 19.00) Tickets: 15 zł The newest album available just after the concert! So →


(11.04.2013) Ufff…. On Sunday April 7th, after real mix marathon, we’ve finally finished our epic of new album’ recording session and 24 (or something) hours later the whole material went to the factory. Hallelujah! Now, as we’ve promised in last info, we can present joyful news about premiere concert… It’s gonna be on Friday 19th of April, in Warsaw’ well-known club Tygmont! We’ll →

STILO celebrates the birthdays. Chopin’ birthdays

(21.02.2013) Unexpectedly, we’ve jumped in the wagon of “Birthdays Concerts” festival – cycle of concerts in Warsaw between 22nd of February and 1st of March, celebrating Chopin' Birthdays. We gonna play on Monday 25th of February, in old Conservatory (Krakowskie Przedmieście 66 street, near the St. Anna’ church), where young Chopin took his music lessons in the early years of XIX →

Stilo vs Jimmy Page?

(8.02.2013) On Sunday 10th of February you can listen to STILO in Radio Centrum (20.00-22.00) again, in Jazz-rockowa Płytoteka (Jazz-rock Record Library) programme by journalist Tomek ‘Mały” Kotyla. He will present music from our last album “Lisboa Avenue”, nominated in Just Plain Folks Music Awards 2009 Poll, in “European Album” category. Among the other artists broadcasted on Sunday you will find Jimmy →

New hopes and Mikrotour’ recollections

(1.01.2013) Dear Music Lovers! So another change of date done. And another hopes for new, better world - or for good and wise life at least - raised. Right! Because even if some of our dreams will not be realised, we’ll achieve another ones. But there’s one condition – we have to give it a chance. For a good start of the year →

99-101 Mikrotour

(9.11.2012) We have planned only studio works for this Autumn, but it turned out that we’ll play three November’ gigs. Two of them in cities where we have never been before – Elbląg and Olsztyn (third in Warsaw). In Olsztyn there will be 100th concert in STILO’ history! That’s why we call it 99-101 Mikrotour. More info in Live section. .

STILO inaugurates Warsaw edition of BalconyTV!

(10.09.2012) Just few days ago Warsaw' edition of international net project BalconyTV has started. First artist in first chapter is... STILO! The idea is simple. You can see the band/soloist playing acoustic on a balcony (or something like this) in different cities of the world - without lights, rings of smokes and telebims. We had our Polish edition in Poznań, now it →

Stilo’er? Why not

(26.08.2012) Very short message for today. :-) If you would like to see us on next-year-edition of famous polish Open'er fest, you can click here: http://www.alterart.pl/ankiety/ankietahof13.php and write down STILO in one of the empty spaces (and another favourite artists' name, of course). Big thanx for support! .

Ten years ago

(14.04.2012) Exactly ten years ago we had been playing on laureates' concert at famous Warsaw' etno festival New Tradition - as prize-winners (I prize). Great times! The beginning of something really important for the band. Owing to that prize we could recorded our legendary CD "Idą czasy" few months later: http://www.folk24.pl/store/ida-czasy-1/ Below - photo from that concert. Our Turkish bandmates: Alpago Polat (right) and →

The Stories of Stones had been told

(26.01.2012) So Opowieści Kamieni Etno Tour (The Stories of Stones Etno Tour) is gone! Project, that lasted almost two years, was finished exactly in the same place where it was started - in Warsaw' Pracovnia club. It's pure coincidence, totally not planned. Interestin', right? All concerts played under this flag tasted as true adventure. We did not only dust few of our →